Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sri Lankan Home Remedies for Coughs

There are many children suffering from coughs and colds. We are used to giving them antibiotics. This helps to reduce the cough and cold but the remedy is too quick and the cause remains. As a result coughs and colds recur over and over again. Parents have no patience so they go in for more and more antibiotics or come to the conclusion that these children are allergic to some pollen or domestic animals like cats and dogs.

But let us try a home remedy. Take equal parts of Elabatu, Tibbatu, Katuwalbatu, Babila, Adathoda and Muddarappalam (Weigh in Kalandas approximately one ounce). Prepare a decoction with 8 cups of water boiled down to one cup on a slow fire. Use 1/3 of a tea cup for a dose twice a day. Take 2 1/2 Kalandas of Aratta, Adathoda, Bebila, Katuwal battu, Weltibbatu and boil in 8 cups of water down to one cup. Half a cup taken for a dose twice a day is very effective for fever with a cough.

When having a cough and cold dry ginger should not be used. It is better always to use raw ginger. Any kind of cord drink, ice cream etc., should be avoided. Plenty of Gotukola, red onions should be taken with your food. Spring onions or lunugas in salad form or plain with food is health giving food for such children. Every morning a teaspoon­ful of Gotukola juice with bee's honey is a good cure for catarrh.